Face To Face/Midtown: live in San Diego

Face To Face/Midtown

live in San Diego (2002)


After going to this show, I can see why some venues do not serve alcohol. Some weird guy fell all over my friend and myself then he tried grabbing her. A fight broke loose, so loose it ripped through us and out the door. I only got elbowed in the stomach. It's all good. I have one question about this show overall though…who the hell hired the sound guy for the night? It was awful, and it wasn't the band's faults.

The first band up were Mexican punkers Bye Sami. When they announced the fact that they were from Mexico, I was hoping for something like Union 13, but they were nothing like them. They sang all in Spanish, which is cool, but the lead singer's voice was monotone. I wanted to fall asleep. They're music was bland and after a while it just seemed like one long continuous song. I was ready for Midtown.

Although Midtown has played better, they rocked out the best they could. I love them, but they are just worn out from touring for 6 weeks straight. The guys were losing their voices and it took away from the music. Plus, the sound guy had the one of the mics turned up way too loud which made the band sound really bad. From what they told us, they taped a music video the day before so that took a small toll on the way they felt. They requested a few beers "to help them sing better" but no one produced. A few jerks in the crowd screamed " You suck", screw those guys! I'd like to see them get up on stage and perform in front of a bunch of people despite feeling shit! The first few songs played were from their brand new release "Living Well is the Best Revenge". They were sure not to completely forget about their older songs though and did play tunes such as "Let Go" and "Come On". And just when you thought they were done, they decide to play just one more song and close with "Sweet Child ‘O Mine" by Guns ‘N Roses. That was interesting, and although I am not personally a GNR fan, I liked that ending. They rocked it out.

I am not a huge Face To Face fan, but I was really stoked all week to see them. They marched out onto the stage like they owned the place (they definitely owned the crowd) and started off with "I Want". That was the best opener because that is my favorite F2F song ever. I figured I would be ready to go home after hearing it, but no way, these guys were rocked hard. They played so many good songs, such as "Disconnected", "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and had the crowd singing along to "Bill of Goods". Half way through their set they said "What if Face to Face quit and played Lynyrd Skynyrd for the rest of the night?" and broke out "Sweet Home Alabama". That was fucking awesome. I was afraid that Face To Face was only going to put in a half ass job since this was their second San Diego show in 2 days, but they were better than I've ever seen them before. Although a fight broke loose right next to me, and some weird drunk guy fell on my friend it was a good night. The band closed off with "You've done Nothing". This was one of the best shows I've gone to all year. I highly recommend it to the diehard Face to Face fans, and the so-so fans like myself.