Van Buren Boys
Six String Love... (2009)
Rich Cocksedge
Any band that names itself after an episode of Seinfeld is off to a good start with me. Even better is that the opening to this album's first track, "412 W. Springfield Ave.", reminds me of the Only Ones' "Another Girl, Another Planet" a bit, but then goes off in a much more rock'n'roll direction than Peter Perrett did back in the late 1970s.
Van Buren Boys deliver a high-octane version of rock'n'roll, laced with a bit of pop-punk and backed by some standard rhythm and blues (not the awful rubbish referred to as r'n'b these days–more of a Dr. Feelgood vibe). It's 12 tracks in which their formula of plenty of guitar work, leads and riffs doesn't falter with a very (deliberate I'm sure) scuzzy sound reminiscent of the 1970s, which lends itself perfectly to what they're doing.
Lyrically, you get what you would expect from a young band performing this sort of music–songs about girls, partying and playing music. Nothing new or startling, but then it's a genre that has long since stopped trying to do anything other than what it does best.
Despite enjoying the album, I am finding that none of the songs are sticking in my head and causing me to hum the tunes or sing the lyrics. It's almost a case of whilst the record is on, all is good, but once you stop playing it, nothing lingers. I think it's a record that is a couple of tracks too long too, and also the style means that each song is quite "busy," leaving it lacking that memorable something as it's full of leads, riffs and solos.
The one exception to this is "Told You So", which is in the prime third spot on the record and the only song I can recall if I try–a strong, catchy chorus and a riotous romp. Easily the standout track of the record.
I wouldn't mind seeing Van Buren Boys live, as I would imagine this is where they excel. A small dingy club, a few friends and half a dozen pints of Guinness and fun would be had by all.
If I could give this 6.5/10 I would, but the rating scale here at the ânews doesn't allow that, so I'm giving it a 6 for the lack of anything that keeps bouncing around my skull.
One thing to add–my four-year-old daughter loves the energy of this record!