Contributed by KRIKKIT4, Posted by

Click Read More to get the full story….Hi, This is Kolin from Fort Worth, TX here. I am 15 years old, I write for a local zine, and I sing for my band Loki. I am a student at South Hills High School, and am a victim for a fascist dress code… "No extreme hairstyles(Colors, designs, etc.)" it says. Well, for those of you in the states-who thinks that it is a total and blatant disregard of our 1st ammendment rights? I sure do. Well, I decided to "martyr" myself for change…

I went with a nice blue stripe down the center of my head, IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION for me. While I was at ISS, I wrote a lengthy(4 page) and eloquent letter to the principal, I ended it with "Or suffer the consequences", heh heh well needless to say, I got in bigger trouble and I had to go to a hearing.

Luckily I was not kicked out of school. But, the fight must still be fought, me and my friends are in the process of petitioning as we speak, obviously you can not sign, but you CAN help… Write any letters supporting free speech to,

South Hills High School
6101 McCart Avenue
Ft. Worth, Tx, 76133 U.S.A.

Keep the letters peaceful, OK? Peace,love,empathy.