Contributed by hkathuff, Posted by Politics

Details have been announced for the upcoming Operation Ceasefire, a "coalition of concerned musicians" who will host an upcoming free concert on September 24th at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

As suggested by it's name, the concert aims to peacefully demonstrate against the war and bring government attention to the "nearly 60% of American citizens who oppose the action in Iraq." The group had this to say:

[The concert will be] a showpiece [in] what is expected to be 4 days of enormous protests in nation's capital in support of a full withdrawal of U.S. forces from the quagmire in Iraq. […] Operation Ceasefire intends to elevate the fight against the misguided and immoral occupation of Iraq.

A recent press conference, which took place on August 10th, included musical artists, military families who have loved ones in Iraq, returning soldiers opposed to the war and organizers from United for Peace & Justice (UFPJ),

Scheduled to perform at the event are Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Bouncing Souls, Wayne Kramer of the MC5, LeTigre, as well as Thievery Corporation, Steve Earle, The Coup, Headroc and the Bellrays.

Jello Biafra will host the event which is part of a three day action by the United for Peace organization. The organization is the largest U.S. based anti-war coalition and is co-sponsoring the event.