by Level Plane

Hot Cross has announced plans to enter Godcity Studios in April to begin work on their next full length for Level Plane. The album is tentatively titled Risk Revival.

The band is currently "writing and re-writing songs" and are hoping to deliver 11 or 12 new songs on the album. They are aiming for a late summer/early fall release to be followed by extensive US touring with nationwide tours in both September and November planned.

In the interim, the band has booked some dates in February with a number of bands including Coliseum, Lords, Cursed, Mikoto, Akimbo and others. Besides these five shows, the band is not planning to perform live again until the album is completed.

February 12, 2006Philadelphia, PAFirst Unitarian ChurchColiseum, Lords
March 9, 2006NY, NYSyrup RoomPlot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower, Akimbo, Genghis Tron, USAISAMONSTER
March 10, 2006Syracuse, NYWestcott Comm. CenterMikoto, Cursed
March 11, 2006Bellmore, NYLiveTraxMikoto, Cursed
March 12, 2006Poughkeepsie, NYClub CrannelMikoto, Cursed