Ted Leo, who joined Touch and Go Records earlier this month, has posted some new material from the band's latest sessions.
The former frontman of Citizen's Arrest, Animal Crackers and Chisel had this to say:
Hey, so we're going on tour next week, and new stuff isn't as far along as I was dreaming it would be, but we have a few new ones that we'll be playing, and I think that I got some good recordings of rough versions of two of them (especially ignore the guitar solos -- they'll get better) from yesterday's practice, so I thought I'd share them wif yiz.
You can check out "Army Bound" and "Some Beginner's Mind".
As previously reported, Mr. Leo is in "deep writing mode" for his rock 'n roll songs with backing band The Pharmacists. The album will be the follow up to 2004's acclaimed Shake the Sheets.
The band will begin touring starting March 2nd, and will be joined by Duke Spirit, Les Aus. During that tour, they will spend a few days at SXSW and following it, a trip to Coachella.