Adam: Well it's Canada Day `round these parts, celebrating the birth of this nation. Best I can remember it involved a bunch of guys we kindly call the "Fathers of Confederation" getting drunk on a boat. I'm sure someone can correct me on that, but it was a pretty non-dramatic declaration of independence either way. We do however do our best to continue that particular tradition to this day. To celebrate this wacky country here's a whole gaggle of Canuck bands for you to rock out with. We've got everything from classic punk acts like D.O.A., the Demics and SNFU, to those early Vancouver Complication bands like Young Canadians, Pointed Sticks and Modernettes, to modern favourites like the Weakerthans and Propagandhi. Heck we even finish it off with a dash Narduwar for good measure. Enjoy.
D.O.A. - songs from Are You Ready? and Live Free Or Die!
Young Canadians - songs from No Escape
The Pointed Sticks - songs from Perfect Youth
The Modernettes - songs from Get It Straight
The Subhumans (the Canadian ones) - various unreleased songs
SNFU - songs from In The Mean Time and In Between Time
The Demics - full self titled album download
Chixdiggit! - songs from Pink Razors
The Smugglers - songs from Rosie and Mutiny In Stereo
The Weakerthans - songs from Reconstruction Site and Left and Leaving
Constantines - songs from Shine a Light and Tournament of Hearts
Propagandhi - songs from Potemkin City Limits and Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
The Planet Smashers - songs from Mighty and Unstoppable
The Deadly Snakes - songs from Porcella and Ode To Joy
Hanson Brothers - songs from My Game
The Evaporators - songs from Ripple Rock
Of course this is just my list. Share some links to your favourite Canadian acts below.