Though frontman Trent Reznor has been an outspoken critic of the major labels, up till recently he was unable to take make good on his criticisms. Now that he is free of a label, Nine Inch Nails have released a new donation–suggested 36–track album titled Ghosts I – IV. He explained:
This music arrived unexpectedly as the result of an experiment. The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as… something.We began improvising and let the music decide the direction. Eyes were closed, hands played instruments and it began. Within a matter of days it became clear we were on to something, and a lot of material began appearing. What we thought could be a five song EP became much more. I invited some friends over to join in and we all enjoyed the process of collaborating on this."
The album can be purchased, completely DRM–free in both MP3 and lossless formats as well as CD and a $300.00 deluxe vinyl option. You can also download some of the album for free. The details can be found here.