by Aubin Paul
Rolling Stone has put together a list of what they're calling The 125–Plus People, Places and Things Ruling the Rock & Roll Universe. Among their selections are Los Angeles'–based Amoeba Music for best record store, The Mars Volta as "Best Prog Rock Band" earning the following:
But they pulled back from the brink with this year's The Bedlam in Goliath, focusing on punk riffage and wowing fans with their ability to make complex music accessible.
Also noted are the recent Replacements reissues, this lustworthy turntable and Against Me! who are named "Best Punk Band:"
In the past decade, they've transformed from solo acoustic project to underground punk faves to major–label rock contenders whose fans include Bruce Springsteen: They recorded their latest and best album, New Wave, with Nevermind producer Butch Vig. With its plus–size guitars and beyond–punk sounds (including a dance beat on one tune), it's their London Calling, or at least their Tim.
You can check out the full list here.