Our stream today comes from Los Angeles, CA-based Calculator. Their upcoming LP, These Roots Grow Deep…, will contain a wealth of the band's previously recorded material as well as three new jams, and we've got a stream of said new jams.
You can check them out on their Punknews.org Profile.
Dec 20 2009 1:30P FEJJ FEST@JEFF HAUS WESTCHESTER, California |
Dec 26 2009 7:30P The Hive w/ beau navire, deers!, ordstro Oakland, California |
Dec 27 2009 7:30P Submission w/ ordstro, deers!, beau navire, matsuri San Fransisco, California |
Dec 28 2009 5:00P TexasToast w/ matsuri, deers!, ordstro, wunami San Jose, California |
Dec 29 2009 8:30P oakland house w/ dead man. matsuri, Gaurhoth oakland, California |
Dec 30 2009 7:00P THE HALF w/ colorchromatic, Deers!, Ordstro, burn idols Inglewood, California |
Jan 2 2010 5:30P birthday/new years show in inglewooooood Inglewood, California |