To keep you entertained and mired in discussion, we're going to forgo the Saturday hibernation that's become the norm around here and give you several more lists from members of your favorite bands and labels. First up, we've got lists from Ian Graham of Cheap Girls, Alex Goldfarb of Gatorface/No Friends/New Mexican Disaster Squad and Chris Vandeviver of Sakes Alive!!
Check out Best of 2009 lists from members of Less Than Jake, Hot Water Music, Rehasher and more here: Best Of 2009 Lists. Also, don't forget to check out our staff reviewers' lists, and be sure to come back on Tuesday for lists from the Punknews.org editors.

Ian Graham of Cheap Girls
Neko Case - "Middle Cyclone"
Grant Hart - "Hot Wax"
…And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - "The Century Of Self"
The Cribs - "Ignore the Ignorant"
Failures' Union - "In What Way"
Phoenix - "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix"
Reigning Sound - "Love and Curses"
The Thermals - "Now We Can See"
A Camp - "Colonia"
Jeffrey Lewis and the Junkyard - "'Em Are I"

Alex Goldfarb of Gatorface/No Friends/New Mexican Disaster Squad
Cloak Dagger - Lost Art
Marked Men - Ghosts
Psyched to Die - Year One
Paint it Black - Amnesia EP
Municipal Waste - Massive Aggressive
Strike Anywhere - Iron Front
Dead to Me - African Elephants
Jay Reatard - Watch me Fall
Obits - I Blame You
Whiskey Trench - Television

Chris Vandeviver of Sakes Alive!!
Dangers - Messy, Isn't It? (Technically this record doesn't release till 2010. But besides it killing everything this year, the band had it streaming on their website recently. And in our digital age, what can one consider the "release" of a record to be? First stream or first spin?)
Worn In Red - In the Offing
Dasha - Damned If We Do
American Steel - Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts
Polar Bear Club - Chasing Hamburg
Constrictor - Signature Death Moves in Sonic Territory
Such Gold - Stand Tall
Comadre - "Death and Taxes" (Kid Dynamite cover on "Carry the Torch" Tribute)
Dig It Up - Magnets
Grade - "These Eyes Are On the Exit" (Grade/Bane split 7")