by Warped Tour

Virgil, owner of Suburban Home Records, emailed me to let me know about an insane contest the label is having in conjunction with the Warped Tour. Every time one of the Suburban Home bands plays a Warped date [6 different tour stops in all], the label will have a booth set up where you can enter a raffle to win a copy of every single CD Suburban Home distribution carries [almost 100 different CDs!]. 2nd Prize winners will win a pair of DC Shoes, 3rd Prize winners will win a pair of Smith Sunglasses, and runners up will win the latest Gamits CD, the latest Fairlanes CD, and Playing 4 Square 2. So check those dates below, and win some free shit!

6/21/02 ID Nampa, (Boise) Idaho Center Amphitheater (Fairlanes)
6/22/02 UT Salt Lake City, Fairpark Grass Mall (Fairlanes)
6/23/02 CO Brighton,(Denver) Adams County Fairground (Fairlanes and Gamits)
6/25/02 NE Omaha, Westfare Amphitheater Lot (Fairlanes and Gamits)
6/26/02 MO St Louis, Riverport Amphitheater (Gamits)
6/27/02 KS Bonner Springs, (K.C.) Sandstone Amphitheater Lot (Gamits)