Soul Control
by Bridge Nine

Soul Control have begun announcing spring tour dates as the band continues to support their 2009 full-length, Cycles. The band has noted that this list of gigs isn't comprehensive and that more announcements are imminent.

3/05Providence, RIThe 201 (21+)Hollows
3/12Wallingford, CTAmerican LegionThe Effort, Outrage
3/13Providence, RIAs220Vaz, Todd, Drunkdriver, the_Network, Outrage
3/19Mendon, MARad Skateparkthe_Network
3/20Brooklyn, NYBushwick Studiosthe_Network
3/21Fall River, MAYeti Roomthe_Network, Outrage
4/15Lowell, MAUmass LowellTransit, Daybreaker
4/17Long Island, NYVibe LoungeDaybreaker, Make Do and Mend
4/23Amherst, MAAmherst College/Marsh HouseWasteland (last show), Killer Fiction (reunion), Mountain Man
4/24Worcester, MANew England Hardcore & Metalfest (day)playing before 4pm, have a show later that night
4/24Latham, NYLanding Zone (night)Mountain Man
4/25Syracuse, NYWescott Community CenterMountain Man
5/01Providence, RIClub HellSet Your Goals, Comeback Kid, Title Fight, Make Do and Mend
5/14Boston, MAUnit 11Ruiner
5/15Providence, RIAs220Ruiner
5/28-5/30Tacoma, WARainfestRainfest