The line-up for the 2010 edition of Quebec's Petite-Nation Rockfest has been announced. The event, which takes place on June 18th and 19th, will feature 60 bands on three stages, including acts like the Misfits, Voivoid, Anti-Flag, Alexisonfire,The Sainte Catherines, The Planet Smashers and Silverstein. Other bands performing include Grimskunk, Vulgaires Machins, Malajube, Anonymus, Général K-O (Groovy Aardvark), Despised Icon, Lofofora, Die Mannequin, Kataklysm, Tagada Jones, Deadly Apples, Blind Witness, Reset, Les Pistolets Roses, Mystery Band, Slaves On Dope, Kamakazi, Ok Volca, Fuck The Facts, Inepsy, Insurrection, Aarsen, Analog5, Sordid, Oscar B., Alcoholica (a Metallica tribute band), Fadeless (a Nirvana tribute band), Ab Irato, Godfalls, Ãgenix, La Jarry, D.O.H., Never More than Less, Dancing on Fire, Shampouing, Doll, My Giant, Polishdebin, and Brixton Robbers.
The fest takes place at the Montebello Marina in Montebello, Quebec (about 75 minutes from Montreal and 50 minutes from Ottawa).