Gainesville, FL's Anchor Arms have called it a day. Vocalist James Austin offered a detailed explanation for the band's demise, which you can read by clicking Read More.
The band issued one full-length, 2008's Cold Blooded, and several split releases, the most recent being a split 7" with Madison Bloodbath.
"well, it's been awhile, and a lot of people have asked me about the arms lately and or told me they've "heard rumors" so i figure i should probably address the state of our band. the reality is that we're pretty much done, i'd disclaim it with a "never say never" type thing, but we really haven't talked much lately and things got weird. i take the entirety of the blame for our demise. i have a lot of emotional issues and suffer from maniac depression and a severe panic disorder. it can certainly make me extremely difficult to deal/work with and at times is debilitating. often times when i've wanted to travel or do things with the band, my mental status has made it literally impossible for me to do so. i try my ASS of everyday to do better and be better with it, but it is a daily struggle. i gave everything i had to give to anchor arms and i know craig, brian and nick did as well. at the end of the day, i'm sure they simply couldn't continue to work with me in a situation where i was an integral part of the process, i sang and played guitar, kinda hard to do a vocal free show. i wish things could've been different believe me, but i think a new start might help us all out. i'm now performing as Eight Ghosts and am currently recording songs for a split 7" with current Casting Out/former Boy Sets Fire vocalist Nathan Gray's solo project. that's coming out on Fail Safe Records soon, then after that i'm doing a full length which will be co-released on Death to False Hope Records and Fail Safe. the arms guys and i haven't spoken much lately, i think space is a good thing for now. i love and care deeply for those guys, but being friends is more important to me that playing music with them. Nick is back playing full time in Assassinate the Scientist and i think craig and bri are just enjoying some time with loved ones right now. i'm going to tour with Eight Ghosts starting regionally in about 2 or 3 months, nationally after that, so if you want me to play where you are, please lemme know and i'll get there. you can reach me at quizmo31@aol.com, here or on the eight ghosts facebook thing. if you ever listened to an Anchor Arms song, came to a show, enjoyed what we did etc, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! it meant a lot more to us that i can express here. sorry for being crazy