Scranton, PA's Captain, We're Sinking are currently out on the road in support of their new 7" for Kind of Like Records, It's a Trap. The band has sent us a few dispatches from the road that we'll be sharing with you over the next couple of weeks or so. The group has a few dates left on the tour, so be sure to check them out if they come to your area.
Pittsburgh. Me and Squid started off the day driving from the Poconos to Philadelphia to pick up the chuckle brothers (Leo and Zack). After being stuck in some god awful traffic we finally hit the road to the Burgh. Righteous times were had and every band killed it. Pittsburgh knows how to have a good time. What up Dan, Cory, Stacy, and everyone. Very good kick off for this shindig. Whiskey was drank at Dan's and Bill stayed up all night making fun of Pittsburgh accents.
PS - Dan, I stole a world's scariest police chases shirt. Don't be pissed. Love ya.
Philadelphia. Next up we had a house show in Philly. All our friends came out and beers were had. Everyone got legend status drunk and kids were almost killed by ceiling fans. Bill's boxers ended up on the ceiling fan and we all went different ways for more drinks and sleep.
Wilmington, Delaware. Now I know the joke is played out with Wayne's World saying "nothing really happens in Delaware" but I have to admit, I don't really know too much about Delaware. Here are some fun facts.
1.) It is ranked 45th in population
2.) Nickname is "the small wonder"
3.) It's the first state
Now we're all caught up. Anyway, the show killed and the bands we played with slayed face. That's really all that happened in Delaware.
Richmond, VA. We geared up and got ready for the haul to Richmond. We played a punk warehouse called Exit 76 off of…..you guessed it, Exit 76. We played with rocking bands and met some cool people. We got a case of high life and ripped through it like our lives were on the line. Feeling freshly buzzed we played one of the hottest shows ever and had a blast. We stayed at my man Ian's house who plays in Folk the System and got plenty drunk. I woke up with a healthy hangover, on a bare mattress, in a 100 degree house and geared up for North Carolina.
Tonight we play Durham, North Carolina that my man Scotty Sandwich set up. What happens tonight? Do we:
A.) get Scott so drunk he confuses us for The Menzingers
B.) stay in a seedy motel with a pool that looks like a swamp
C.) Drink box wine and eat Arby's
D.) None of the above
Winner gets the shirt I've been wearing for 4 days.
See you next time eatin' the puddin