Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%
by Sunday Edition

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What bands do you like that you refuse to see live because you can't stand most of their fanbase that shows up? This is why I won't go see Dropkick, Flogging Molly, Gaslight, etc. A: I don't think there's a band I would "refuse" to see live because of their fanbase. I can say there are bands where that factors in.

Take Gaslight Anthem. Seeing them at the Fest 6 at Market St. Pub was amazing. Everyone was super friendly and energetic and it was a blast. Now, their most recent stop through the Bay Area was at a free "Music in the Park" sponsored by a local radio station. These events attract a few thousand people and are filled with people who care less about the band than about getting free radio "shwag". It's annoying to say the least. It was not the reason I didn't go but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a factor.

Truth be told, I do enjoy going to some shows specifically because the band has grown and now has a broader fan base. It's why I hope Weezer does a Blue album tour, so I can see jaded punks and poppy tweens collide. -Rich

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