Antillectual have premiered another new song from their upcoming full-length, Start From Scratch. "Cut The Ground From Under Our Feet" is the fifth track on the album and features a guest vocal spot from Propagandhi's Chris Hannah. Hannah had this to say about the song:
"I must admit, I've only spent about 5 minutes on a skateboard in my entire life, so while I won't pretend that I'm either familiar or interested in skate culture, I will say that what I understand the message of the song to be -- a lament of the brazen commodification of something you love -- resonates pretty strongly with me. Of course, as long as we live in a world where we teach young people that making money takes priority over compelling art, principled sport, democratic politics and humane sciences, brazen commodification will be the rule."
Check out the song here or by clicking Read More. Antillectual have been unveiling songs from Start From Scratch on a weekly basis, and once the album is out it'll follow up 2008's Testimony.