You thought we were done here? Nonsense! Folks in bands and labels keep sending us lists (although they definitely should have stopped by now) and it is our duty to share them with you. Tonight, we have entries from The Swellers drummer Jonathan Diener, Municipal Waste/No Friends frontman Tony Foresta, and Protagonist vocalist Peter Marullo.
Click Read More to check out the lists, and don't forget to check out the newly posted best-of lists from the Punknews editorial staff. Then on Friday, we'll have the official super-important Punknews.org Best of 2010 List.

Jonathan Diener of The Swellers
1.) Stay Ahead Of The Weather - We Better Get Goin If We're Gonna
2.) Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life
3.) The Flatliners - Cavalcade
4.) Superchunk - Majesty Shredding
5.) Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
6.) Against Me! - White Crosses
7.) Tokyo Police Club - Champ
8.) Fake Problems - Real Ghosts Caught On Tape
9.) The Dopamines - Expect The Worst
10.) Frank Turner - Rock And Roll EP Splits:
Into It. Over It. / Koji
Joey Cape / Jon Snodgrass - Liverbirds
Balance And Composure / Tigers Jaw
Tony Foresta (Municipal Waste, No Friends)
1. Low Threat Profile 7" (released Dec of 2009 but I dont care. Its amazing!)
2. Dopamines Expect the Worst
3. Tiltwheel The High Hate Us
4. Torche Songs for Singles
5. The Fest, Fun Fun Fun, Brainsqueeze and Best Friends Day
6. Toxic Holocaust/Inepsy split 12"
7. Off With Their Heads In Desolation
8. Antoine Dodson The Bed Intruder Song
9. Ceremony Rhonert Park
10. Kylesa Spiral Shadow Top 5 Youtube videos of 2010
1. Best Cry Ever (Slayer Version)
You have to watch the "Best Cry Ever" clip first if you have never seen it. Then watch this.
I've viewed this like 40 times and still lose it
2. Marlins Will Soar!
Dude from Creed sings an inspirational song to the Florida Marlins. A Municipal Waste favorite.
3. OK GO "White Knuckles" video.
I love dogs. I dig this band. Get into it.
4. Dark Crystal Redub!
Did you know Chris Tucker was in the Dark Crystal? Me neither!
5. Girl gets rocked by a watermelon.
You've all seen this. It still rules.

Peter Marullo of Protagonist
Crime In Stereo - I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone
Bad Religion - The Dissent Of Man
Stephen Egerton - The Seven Degrees Of Stephen Egerton
Violent Society - We Don't Believe
Ceremony - Rohnert Park
Junius - The Martyrdom of a Catastrophist (bending the rules on this one, a late 09 release I didn't stumble upon til 2010)
Against Me - White Crosses
Energy - Walk Into The Fire
Go Rydell - The Golden Age
OFF! - The First Four EP's
Top non albums:
Fests (Harvest of Hope, Insubordination, The Fest)
Recording with Stephen Egerton
The Trouble Reunion
The Vigilantes Reunion
Blondie live @ Nokia Theater
Divided Heaven's set@ The Fest
Back To The Future 25th anniversary screening