Is there anywhere in America where it isn't raining right now? Fear not, humble Punknews readers, for we strapped on our galoshes and dusted off our Spongebob Squarepants raincoats to bring you another exciting edition of the Punknews Podcast! This week, the dulcet tones of interviews editor Rich Verducci is joined by news editor Bryne Yancey and staff interviewer Kira Wisniewski to discuss Samiam's future plans, Alkaline Trio's new album or something like it, Red Scare Industries' latest moves, as well as bits on The Gaslight Anthem, Dropkick Murphys and Travis Barker.
On top of that, we have music on the show from You Blew It! and Campaign.
You can click Read More to stream and/or download the big show, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes. You can always send us your feedback in the comments section or via e-mail. Past shows are available right here.