Less Than Jake has commented on a recent, and somewhat baffling protest by the Westboro Baptist Church. The controversial church picketed the ska/punk outfit during their show last weekend in Pensacola, FL. Drummer/lyricist Vinnie Fiorello commented:
I have no idea. I mean, let's face the facts: Less Than Jake doesn't exactly send parents running for cover. The fact that we do have a certain amount of obscenity and are fairly liberal could and obviously did ruffle some Christian feathers. It had to be a slow night at the bible study last night… Or they heard the truth that we are a traveling band who love Satan but hate guns I find it silly… Grouping us with [recent targets, like Lady Gaga, fallen soldiers, Justin Bieber] is like comparing apples to oranges. Pop punk with a penchant for up stroke guitar and using the word 'f*ck' while drinking high-powered alcohol is not anywhere close to the headline grabbers on that list.It's really a nonevent, but it did happen They have a right to say what's within their rights… as long as I'm allowed to create whatever art I want to.
The church previously protested pop-punk outfit All Time Low and went on to suggest that the biblical Cain was "the father of all musicians" and not just a lousy brother.