This week on the Punkneezy Podcast, Bryne Yancey, Adam White and Chris "Get a Brain" Moran offer their take on the West Memphis 3 being released as well as why it was such an important issue within the punk community. We also dissect Tom Waits' new single/video and openly applaud and encourage his orneriness. Plus, bits on the NHL '12 soundtrack, Classics of Love, Bring Me The Horizon, The Evens and more.
We also feature music from This Time Next Year, Astronautalis and The Hotel Year.
You can click Read More to stream and/or download the big show, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes. You can always send us your feedback in the comments section or via e-mail. Past shows are available right here. You'll also notice that we've changed our streaming apparatus; you wanted a pause button, you got a pause button.
Punknews Podcast for the week for August 23, 2011 Download link