Punknews.org happy to present a new episode of the First World Problems podcast. First World Problems is the brainchild of three friends who share a common love for music, and want to duplicate the feeling of hanging out and talking about music with your friends. Your hosts include Ray Harkins (peta2/Sound & Fury, ex- Taken, Mikoto, Century Media), Joey Cahill (6131 Records/Sound & Fury) and Scott Arnold.
The new Episode of First World Problems features guest Jon Vigil from The Ghost Inside. The show discusses music from Crosses, Active Child, The Rapture, Basement (UK) and many others, along with the films Attack the Block and Hobo With A Shotgun and the TV shows Breaking Bad, Louie, and Friday Night Lights.
Future episodes will feature guests such as Travis from This Is Hell, Wade MacNiel from Gallows/Alexisonfire.
You can click Read More to stream and/or download the show, subscribe via RSS or iTunes and follow updates on Twitter.