As a holiday present to fans, singer Austin Lucas is giving away MP3s of a demo recording of his new song "Four Wheels." Austin says:
This song was written as a sort of love song to my fans. I know how silly it might seem to some folks but, after the experience that I had this summer. When everyone pitched in to help get my van fixed. It really put my whole world into perspective and, helped me come to a realization about how beautiful my life is. Truly, my life is amazing and it's you, the people who listen to my music, give me places to sleep, cook me surprise meals, book shows and just plain give me your world. Who make it this way. Honestly, you don't have to give of yourselves so freely and yet, you do. It's this giving that make my life and especially my working life, incredible.This song is for you, thank you all and happy holidays….
You can download the song here via Last Chance Records. In addition, Austin is offering his Holiday Cheer Demos EP as a donation-based download here.