Chris Conley
by Music has posted video of a full set that Chris Conley (Saves The Day) recently performed in Pawtucket, RI. In the 80 minutes he was on stage, he played a set composed of fan requests which he took through twitter.

Conley is currently on the Where's The Band? Tour with Anthony Raneri (Bayside), Matt Pryor (The Get Up Kids), Ace Enders (The Early November), and Evan Weiss (Into It. Over It.). Those dates are available here, and from the looks of it, he'll be taking twitter requests for the shows along the tour as well.

Conley also recently took some time to do an interview with us. If you haven't yet read it, go ahead and check it out!

Jessie & My Whetstone
This Is Not An Exit
Three Miles Down
Sell My Old Clothes, I'm Off To Heaven See You
Rocks Tonic Juice Magic
The Way His Collar Falls
What Went Wrong
Take Our Cars Now
Cars And Calories
Don't Know Why
You Vandal
I'm Sorry I'm Leaving
Third Engine
Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots
At Your Funeral