by Tours

Cleveland, OH's Ringworm has announced a string of tourdates that will take them to and back home from SXSW this March. They'll be bringing Cancer Bats and Primitive Weapons along with.

3/12Toledo, OHFrankiesTBA
3/13St. Louis, MOHeartbreakersTBA
3/14TBATBA(no Cancer Bats)
3/15Austin, TXSxSWTBA
3/16Austin, TXSxSWTBA
3/17Austin, TXSxSWTBA
3/18Dallas, TXTomcats(no Primitive Weapons)
3/19Little Rock, ARDowntown MusicTBA
3/2Clarksville, TNThe CoupTBA
3/21Cincinnati, OHBangarangsTBA