Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Can punknews do some top lists? I know you do the end of the year lists so I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about maybe best albums of certain genres and songs and stuff like that. I would rather have your editors' opinions vs using another site's.

A: Probably not. We've discussed it before and it seems like many of those lists are A) very narrow in their scope B) Controversial and C) Simply designed to get people to look at the site and not really to do anything progressive.

Additionally, they lead to a slippery slope of journalism in the sense of, "Well we don't have any real big news…Let's post the 'Top 10 Crust guitarist' list! That'll drum up some interest." I'm thrilled you respect our editorial staff enough to have interest in a list we would curate but we respect our readers enough to let them make their own, informed decisions without our ignorant input.


Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @dante3000, @amilianne, @kiraface, @mcflynnthm, @kidecono, @MsApocalypse, @mattycantfail, @wackymondo, and @BrittStrummer's every move at Twitter.

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