Stephen Niles - the creator of notable independent horror comic books like 30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre, Simon Dark, and Mystery Society - recently revealed that he would be working with indie powerhouse Epitaph Records to launch a new comic book distributor. A Bleeding Cool report cites Niles as he explained the significance of the move during a Wondercon panel:
We are partnering with Epitaph Records who is run by Brett Gurewitz from Bad Religion. We're talking about distributing comic books and it looks like it's going to happen. We're going to form a partnership because I have been living in fear for… how many years? I don't know if you know, but comic books only have one distributor-Diamond. And if they go under? These guys saw the potential and that's really what it's about. When I see the shrinking number of comic sales I just see potential. People just don't know comics are out there-how to find them. I grew up with spinner racks. You literally couldn't avoid comics. I am really excited about this. Because what this means is we are finely going to get the chance to at least see.
As Niles noted, Diamond Comics is the sole distributor for pretty much every comic publisher of significance including Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, IDW Publishing, Image Comics, Marvel Comics, and Radical Comics.