Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: With the attention that AP & Punknews brought to the Paramedic shirt, (& subsequently other misogynistic electro metalcore shirts) do you think people should call out Merchnow for selling it? How about other artists for their relationships with Merchnow?

A: That's interesting. I would say no. In part because Merchnow is a third party vendor with no stated agenda or views. They act as a gateway for these groups to sell items they produce. If they start pulling items that are perceived as misogynistic then what's to stop things that people find replant for violent content or imagery, or swearing? I tend to shy away from the slippery slope argument but it does apply here. In terms of being a sales point for bands, you kind of have to allow all artists to be represented equally.

Personally, if I ran a company I wouldn't sell it, but my company would be very small and no one but my mom would shop there.


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