Contributed by alexa, Posted by Politics

us that "Epoxy, the DC band fronted by ex-political prisoner Brett Kimberlin, has finished its debut video for MTV and made history at the same time. The song featured in the video is "Killing Fields," about the execution of Karla Faye Tucker by then Governor George Bush -- he laughed at her when she cried for forgiveness, and refused to commute her sentence despite pleas from thousands of people around the world. The video combines moving footage of Karla and the death house with Epoxy playing live. According to MTV, this is the first video they've ever shown about the death penalty. Brett says that he was deeply affected by Karla's story and that the band was honored to do the video to commemorate the five year anniversary of her execution, February 3rd. The video will be for sale on the band's web site,, and 20% of each video sale will go directly to the ACLU and Amnesty Int'l death penalty projects."