Hope your weekend was good and you didn't eat too many nachos.
First, Joe Pelone has some thoughts on the new Nine Inch Nails LP, Hesitation Marks:
Reznor seems to be making a winking a reference to NIN's short retirement with his new album, Hesitation Marks. Here's a record filled with lyrics about coming back and repeating cycles. All of this has happened before; all of this will happen again.
Read Joe's review of Nine Inch Nails' Hesitation Marks right here.
Then, Andrew Waterfield dives into the new Direct Hit! concept album, Brainless God:
It's this approach, examining the inevitability of death through a multitude of viewpoints, that lends Brainless God true strength, thematically as well as musically. Somehow, Direct Hit! have managed to create a collection of songs which, while they can be enjoyed in isolation, feel very much of a piece.
Read Andrew's review of Direct Hit!'s Brainless God right here.