Judging by the names of the bands we've reviewed today, I can only surmise that today is POSITIVE MONDAY!
First, Rich Cocksedge dives into the new LP from Dead Dog, Precious Child:
The band could best be described as a blend of fuzzed up pop-punk put through a shredder to add some sharp edges. All this added to a distinctly loose and freewheeling lo-fi approach provides for an enjoyable eight tracks.
Read Rich's review of Dead Dog's Precious Child right here.
Then, reader strumz takes us back to 2002 with a look at Infest's No Man's Slave:
And No Man's Slave is no less than you would expect from a hardcore album: loud, hard, fast and angry, without solos or frills. The first 18 songs clock in at just under 11 minutes, delivering a powerful onslaught of insanely fast power chord progressions with the occasional slower passage.
Read strumz' review of Infest's No Man's Slave right here.
Don't forget to check out all of our reviews here and to submit your own here.