Yo yo yo! What is up, all you wonderful, beautiful, marvelous readers? This is John G coming at ya, and following our best of 2013 lists, we're back on a regular review update schedule. Different editors are probably going to be posting these updates, so you may get a different flavor from day to day. Over the next week or so, we're going to be clearing out some older reviews that got delayed due to more immediate events and stuff like that, so stay tuned for some stuff written throughout the year. Also, do you like a few reviews every day, or a whole lot of reviews twice per week? Let us know in the comments below.
Meanwhile, we've got some X-mas reviews to close out the tail end of the holiday season. Reader PopPunkIsNotDead tackled the ever polarizing Punk Goes… series with his take on Punk Goes Christmas :
Nothing goes with your eggnog quite as well as a Christmas album featuring your favorite, mediocre pop-punk bands. That's what Punk Goes Christmas, the latest from Fearless Record's Punk Goes series is though; a compilation of often over-produced, festive tunes from the genre's "B-teamers" that is about as hit-or-miss as Grandma's Christmas bunt cake.
And yours truly is disappointed by the Misfits' You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch :
But, while this could have been a fun little thing that the band did each Christmas, the release package reeks more of Strawbridge's than Saint Nick.
Looking for another (or any) review? Head here. Want to submit your own review? Do that here.