This is Features Editor John G coming at ya with three hot new reviews. The Super Bowl is this weekend and I am interested to see if the punx are pro or con sports. On one hand, it seems to be a group-minded and conformist activity, which seems anti-punx, but on the other hand, it stresses wearing garish clothes, which is uber-punx. Where do you stand?
First, staff reviewer Big Bad Richie C gave Lines, the new record by Epic Problem (ex-Blitz!) a spin:
The lead track "Lines" is perhaps the finest example of what Epic Problem are capable of and it certainly hits the mark for me, with some great guitar work throughout and a sense of passion about what is being done and sung about. Also worthy of note would be the Misfits like 'woahs' on the track "Sink" which fit in really well with another kick ass song.
Next, reader Razzle checks in from Mexico on the new Shinjoku Riot EP which is called Found My Place EP:
At first listen, it reminds me of 90s pop punk. Bouncing Souls and Hot Water Music-esque riffs with melodies and lyrics that would brighten up your day or cheer you up if you had a bad one. .
Finally, editor Joey Joe Joe Pelone reviews the Hot Dad Calendar b/w Ella 7-inch by Cayetana:
It's kind of funny that Cayetana could craft a sad yet determined song about feeling stagnant and overgrown in one's parents' house, give it a great backbeat and a huge chorus, and then go and call it "Hot Dad Calendar." At the very least, it gives the lines "Kid you'll be ok / You get better with age" a second meaning. Sad lyrics mixed with happy music always go down well.
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