us about an upcoming independent film titled Loren Cass. The movie is described as "a gritty tale of growing up and fading out. The film follows Cale, Nicole, and Jason through a few weeks of alcohol abuse and loneliness as they struggle to find what's missing." Punk rock is heavily featured in the film, as music from Jawbreaker and Dillinger Four are prominent along with Leftover Crack, Jon Cougar Concentration Camp, Propagandhi & The Enemies. The movie's website says that "Lyrics from the above bands have been interwoven into the dialogue and story to bring this tale of lost youth to life in a unique way."
The film features cameos from former Jawbreaker bassist Chris Bauermeister, Pink Lincolns frontman Chris Barrows and John Holmstrom, publisher of PUNK Magazine. Check the link for more info.