Comeback Kid has announced a series of tour dates in Europe for this summer. The band will be playing 4 dates (August 16th to the 21st) with Defeater, Negative Approach and Giants. and select dates with Terror. Comeback Kid released Die Knowing in 2014.

16.08.16Germany LindauVaudeville
17.08.16France ParisPetit Bain
18.08.16Germany OberhausenKulttempel
21.08.16Germany BerlinMusik & Frieden (without Defeater)
19.08.16Belgium HasseltPukkelpop Fest
20.08.16Germany Dessau-RoßlauDestruction Derby
22.08.16Germany GöttingenJunge Theater w/ Terror
23.08.16Austria WiesenAnd There Come The Wolves Fest
24.08.16Germany NürnbergZ-Bau
25.08.16Holland EindhovenDynamo w/ Terror
26.08.16Germany SulingenReload Fest