Punknews is excited to premiere Sketchy's new album titled Heck. The record is due out on August 4, 2017 via FTLP Records. Pre-orders for Heck can be found here. You can read the band's statement about the record and listen to it below.
Lyrically, our new album, "Heck", addresses topics such as learning to take care of, and like, yourself, as well as settling into adulthood. All of us are in that 27-31 range now. We're too old to be called "kids" but still figuring out how to be "adults". Musically, it felt like we would come into practice and write a new song or two every week, so it all came together very quickly. Part of that came with the excitement of having new members to offer fresh ideas. We took some chances that maybe we wouldn't have in the past ("Wastoid" and "All The Wrong Strings" come to mind). We hope you like the new direction Sketchy is moving in!