by Ramones

Today Joey Ramone Place was dedicated in New York City on the corner of the Bowery & 2nd Street. There are pictures taken at the event posted here, scroll to the bottom to see the street sign. At the event, the city of New York officially proclaimed 11/30/2003 to be Joey Ramone Day.

According to the linked report, those in attendance included "Tommy & Marky Ramone, Joey's mother, brother, & uncle, Hilly Kristal, Legs McNeil & John Holmstrom of Punk Magazine, Little Steven, Chris Frantz & Tina Weymouth of the Talking Heads, Jim Jarmusch, Lenny Kaye" and others. Getting the sign up has not been without it's mishaps, as no less than four days ago the unveiled sign was discovered to have been mislabeled "Joey Ramone Way" (it's since been corrected). If anyone was in attendance and has anything to add, let us know.