Iggy Pop smothering himself in peanut butter and walking on the crowd's shoulders. The Beastie Boys pretending to play "Sabotage" before quitting and being joined by Elvis Costello to play "Radio, Radio." Kool Moe Dee defeating Chief Rocker Busy Bee at a freestyle battle and ushering in the age of modern hip hop. Sinead O'Connor ripping up a picture of the Pope. Alice Cooper hurling a live chicken into a crowd, only to have the poor thing ripped to shreds. There are rarefied moments in music history that profoundly alter the art and change it forever. This weekend, at Maryland Death Fest, during Autopsy's set, one of these massive moments occurred.
During the set, a couple was so moved by the music they engaged in oral sex on the asphalt floor (which is usually a parking lot). Even after onlookers all around saw what was going on and gawked, the coupled continued their mission. You can see the video of the incident. Be warned, it is basically porno, so it's NSFW of course.
Autopsy played two songs then some girl started getting her pussy ate pic.twitter.com/Rv7SFLMoo0
— sam (@demonstyle420) May 28, 2022