Contributed by cavedude, Posted by Alternative Tentacles

us that Barbra Bush, the daughter of US President George W. Bush, was in present at a venue where Alternative Tentacles' band Pansy Division was performing. This quote is from

    Bush's daughter Barbara was spotted recently having a gay old time at a concert by all-gay punk band Pansy Division. Barbara and friends cozied up in the back room drinking, while out front the band screamed their queer hearts out. The band reportedly dedicated their rabid anti-Bush song, Political Asshole, to the first daughter during the show. Daddy's just got to love that.

Singer and guitarist Jon Ginoli told MSNBC gossip column The Scoop "I'm not even sure that she was in the room at the time -- she might have been in the back room playing pool or something… (but) the crowd loved it." A spokesman for the Bush family told MSNBC "We don't discuss anything the girls do."