We're back to Russia with this week's International Spotlight. Here's more from Tim Krysko at Punk International:
- The first international spotlight on punknews.org happened on January 2, 2003. Now 2003 is about to end, so here's something new from the band that began this tradition: Russia's punk rock veterans, Tarakany. In 2002 they released a studio album called Fear And Hatred. This year they produced a 'best of' type collection of songs from their 10+ year career, called The Best is the Enemy of Good, and it included this brand new song "Reason For Hate."
The brand new Tarakany studio album Freedom Street has been released in Russia and will be distributed in Europe through Zurich Chainsaw Massacre early in 2004. Look for Tarakany back on this page in the new year.
Tarakany ~ Reason For Hate (MP3)
Recent Spotlights: Raimundos (Brazil), Sun Eats Hours (Italy)