Camp Punksylvania has announced its full lineup for this year. The Suicide Machines, A Wilhelm Scream, War On Women, Escape From the Zoo, Mikey Erg, Homeless Gospel Choir, The Bar Stool Preachers, Stop The Presses, Dissidente,Jon Snodgrass,Fat Heaven, and Froggy are among the bands announced. These bands join the previously announced first-wave lineup of Bad Cop/Bad Cop, Tsunami Bomb, The Potato Pirates, Belvedere, The Dollyrots, and ASMR. Camp Punksylvania will take place September 1-3 at the Circle Drive-In in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Check out the lineup in full below.
Camp Punksylvania full 2023 lineup
The Suicide Machines
A Wilhelm Scream
Tsunami Bomb
Bad Cop / Bad Cop
War On Women
The Dollyrots
Escape From the Zoo
The Bar Stool Preachers
The Potato Pirates
Mikey Erg
Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One
Homeless Gospel Choir
River City Rebels
Fat Chance
Jon Snodgrass
Working Class Stiffs
The What Nows?!
Stop The Presses
Pity Party
Doc Rotten
Dead 77
The Jasons
The Squalors
Teen Mortgage
Tail Light Rebellion
The Car Bomb Parade
Dead Rest
Cardboard Homestead
Oh, The Humanity!
Freeze Me
The Mostly Dead
Scott Reynolds
Coffee With Lions
Black Guy Fawkes and The Co-Conspirators
Condition Oakland
Suburban Downgrade
Sweet Anne Marie