Dwarves headline Soiree 6 w/ special Legacy Set! Zorn, Danbert Nobacon, Vixen 77 too! Philly,May 26!

This year we have an INSANE lineup for you! This one is the ultimate JAM!
Punk rock legends THE DWARVES are doing a special headlining set that will celebrate the re-release of all their classic albums!!! (out now on Greedy/MVD records!) The band has just reissued premium versions of all of their great albums and we are going to play an amazing set that highlights and once again cements their legacy! This will be a once-in-a-lifetime show! Plus, the band will be selling limited, special editions of their albums that you can only get at this show! Plus, they will be selling a very limited re-release of the ultra rare 'We Kill Cock Throbbin' demo tape! WHOA!
PLUS! Philly death punkers ZORN are playing and they are coming to do damage! They have a brand new album out on Sorry state records!
PLUS! Anarcho-punk icon DANBERT NOBACON of Chumbawamba is flying all the way across the country to play this gig! It's his first in Philly in four years! PLUS, Danbert will have an exclusive EP that you can only get at this gig!
PLUS! Philly's most dangerous band VIXEN77 is back to tear your head off! They've got a great new album out and it will mess you up! AND, they ALSO will have an exclusive tape that you can only get at this show!
PLUS! Between bands, we will be showing the short films of JESSE MICHAELS in their first ever theatre screening! Get ready to be weirded the hell out and blown away!
PLUS! Everyone that comes to the gig will get a free goodie bag LOADED with goodies including AT LEAST two free records and a bunch of other stuff!
PLUS! We will be giving away free records and CDs all night long!
PLUS! We have even more wacky stuff planned!
BUY TICKETS RIGHT HERE!!! Check out the facebook event page right here!
ALSO, because this show is a larger scale operation than our previous soirees, we got some very, very, very cool sponsors to help out with the show! You absolutely must check out:REVILLA GROOVES AND GEARin Milltown, NJ! They have an insane selection of new records that come in daily! They've got some ultra-deals and some ultra, ultra rare stuff on the wall. They also have a great punk section (I got Stations of the Crass there!) Plus, twice a year they have a massive dollar sale of tens of thousands of records and it is a real blast! check them out here! ANGRY, YOUNG, AND POORin Lancaster, PA! This is THE punk shop in Lancaster county. They have a killer selection of new and used punk records, as well as sokme cool clothes, posters, and a ton of other stuff AND they've got a great mailorder where you can get some rare LPs and CDs! Check them out here! ROCK N ROLL KNIFE FIGHT in Landsdowne, PA! RNRKF rules Delaware county! They have an awesome selection of punk clothes, jewelry, and accessories. They've got all kinds of cool things you'd never think that you would see! PLUS they have some very cool original art AND some very rare CDs! Check them out here! JUPITER RECORDS in Wilmington, Delaware! Jupiter is just CONSTANTLY getting in awesome, used records (and they have new ones, too!) The shop is CRAMMED with everything from rock, to punk, to metal, to jazz, to world music, to this and that! Plus, they have a great dollar room and a ton of other cool things… such as Misfits action figures… Check them out here! GOOD BOY VINYL in New Castle County, Delaware! Not only does Good Boy get in rad used records daily, but they also get in the prime new releases! Also, if you are into jazz, THIS is the place to go. On top of that, they've got tons of great rock, alt, and everything else… and cheap CDs! Check them out here! SIT N SPIN RECORDS in Philly! DUDE, Sit and Spin is THE punk shop in Philly. They are just ALWAYS getting in very, very, very cool punk titles, new and used, Lps and singles. They also have a TON of metal. You want the ultra-rare? They got it! You want the cheapies? They got it! And they do mail order! Punx seal of approval. Check them out here! SKY VALLEY RECORDS in Somerdale, New Jersey! You want punk, metal, goth, industrial and all the mean stuff in South Jerz? THIS is the place for you! They are CONSTANTLY getting in cool new records, too! (I got a very rare Bauhaus LP here once…) This place rocks! Check them out here! GRINDCORE HOUSE in South and West Philly! Grindcore House has THE BEST coffee and tea in the city! It is delicious! AND, they have a ton of great treats, including vegan hoagies, donuts, Danishes, you name it. This place is a must! AND, they have hilarious merch! Check them out here! REPO RECORDS in Philly! Repo is an INSTITUTION! Every day, they get in cool used records, cool new ones, and they have an amazing CD selection! cheap hits and some rare stuff! And, they have a cat the runs the place- Sir Flatermause! AND, they have a Dwarves poster in the bathroom… Check them out here! RAINBOW RECORDS in Newark, Delaware! Rainbow is just down the street from UoD and they have ALL the big hit new records. AND, they have a TON of used records including a great $5 bin! (I got an Iggy Pop there once…) Also, be sure to check out the CDs in the back… some very rare ones are there… and be sure to check out their mystery bags! You won't be disappointed! Check them out here! PRINCETON RECORD EXCHANGE in Princeton! PREX is an institution. Every day they get a TOOOON of used records in and let me tell you, they go out the same day! Their discount CD wall is a thing of legend, stocked with the hits and some rare stuff, including EU import CD EPs! Also, they have a ton of NEW records and a GREAT $1 bin. Check them out here! CRATEDIGGAZ in Philly! You want Hip Hop?! Go, right now, to Cratediggaz. They have got a KILLER selection of new and used Hip Hop- the big hitters and super obscure private press stuff! And, it's one of the few places where you can get re-prints of classic Hip Hop Lps… I got a beautiful re-issue of Ice-T's Orignal Gangster… AND they get in some GREAT used punk (including Tim Armstrong records and some NYHC)! Check them out here!