
Marty Beckerman writes "From the Sacramento Bee: Manhattan Beach high school prom king refuses crown

MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- A high school homecoming king renounced his crown, prompting school administrators to issue a two-day suspension against him.
Patrick Griffiths, 17, walked off the field during homecoming ceremonies for Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, about 15 miles southwest of Los Angeles, on Friday night. He placed the crown on the ground as he made his exit.
The senior, who sported a foot-high Mohawk for the homecoming game, said the ceremony has historically fostered disunity.
"It discourages difference," Griffiths told the Daily Breeze or Torrance. "I was trying to show respect for every student who's been alienated."
When Griffiths went to school the following day to help with the homecoming dance, he was sent home by school officials.
Mira Costa Principal Lynn McCormack wrote a letter saying Griffiths "disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, other school officials or other school personnel in the performance of their duties."
Griffiths was allowed to return to school Wednesday after serving the two-day suspension. He has also been removed as a student leader. A replacement king hasn't been named. "
Ain't it swell to be different?