Four new episodes of the Punknews Podcast are now up! In episode #649 John and Em talk about Star Trek: The Next Generation, Morrissey, John’s computer crashing, The Rolling Stone’s ad campaign for their new album, Tetchy, The Damned, and so much more.
Episode #649.1 finds John regaling Em with stories of seeing Danzig in Atlantic City. They also talk about the Cro-Mags, Twin Temple, Pussy Riot, Scowl, Anti-Flag, The Rolling Stones, and a lot more.
Sam is back on episode #649.2 and joins John to talk about Sam’s 10 years with Punknews. They also discuss the state of social media, the third edition of Record Freakout, records, how music is consumed in the modern age, and lots more.
Episode #649.3 finds Em and John dueling albums. Each person brought one album they thought the other would like and one they thought the other would find challenging. WHO WILL TAKE HOME THE ALBUM BATTLE CROWN?? Listen and find out!