Contributed by gladimnotemo, Posted by Hellcat

In addition to The Dropkick Murphys well publicised annual St. Patrick's Day shows, the group has the following appearances planned for March 17th:

For St Patrick's Day Wednesday 17th the Dropkick Murphys will be performing live on KROQ at Dublin's on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles in the morning, please tune in to KROQ to win tickets to be in the audience for this live event or check for more information. The show goes live to air at 6 am so you better have your drinking shoes on early!

Later that night the Murphys will be live on Jimmy Kimmel tune into ABC at 12 midnight (11pm central). If you want to be part of the studio audience there are LIMITED tickets available to the public, for information about how to get tickets and starting times please go here.