Contributed by MIKEHOLLOW, Posted by Victory

Somehow Hollow has broken up. The band's statement reads as such:

"The music, the band and the scene regret to inform you that we have decided to call it quits. When we started this band back in 2000 the thought never crossed our heads that we would make it this far, we will never forget the fun and wonderful experiences we had doing SH. We will always hold in our hearts the people we have met on the road and made friends with that took us into there homes and let us sleep on there floors. We are very lucky to have done this for so long, when other great bands have never got the chance. The reason for the split is not an issue and should not be an issue for anybody, We hope you keep us in your hearts as we will you. This in no way shape or form means that the members of SH will not be pursuing musical endeavors, we love music and we love to play it, and honestly the Scene has changed alot in the past couple years."

The band has promised a final show in Stratford .

We would like to acknowledge a few people that have helped us out along the way. BRAD CASARIN, JERRY FILICE, TIFFANY SPROSTON, MR. AND MRS. CASARIN, MR. AND MRS. FLANAGAN, MR. AND MRS. CLARK, MR.AND MRS. ABBOTT, MR. AND MRS. De GRAFFE AKEHURST MUSIC AND ALL THE KIDS IN ENGLAND, MICHAEL WOLFE, NANCI MALEK, PAUL GOURLIE, DEVON DAISY, SILVY, KYLE BISHOP,TONY AND VICTORY RECORDS, THE STRATFORD CREW AND ALL THE WICKED BANDS WE TOURED AND PLAYED WITH. Thank you so much for helping us out, we greatly appreciate everything you did for us. So Song long and thanks for the memories.