Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by

Syracuse hardcore act The Old God is Dead have signed to 118 Records. The label has just released their debut CD From the Museum of Sleep; you can download the title track here. The label is also putting out a split 7" between The Old God Is Dead and No Questions Asked, limited to 300 copies. The Old God Is Dead have a few shows lined up this month, including a benefit show to raise money for the 7".

July 10, 2004: the old god is dead, inferis, part of yesturday, vanity horror stories @ Westcott Community Center-826 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210 $8
July 13th, 2004: walk The Line, no questions asked, the old god is dead, the great sleep, +1 more tba. @ 118 Trinity Place, Syracuse. 8:00 PM $3.
July 16, 2004: benifit for The Old God Is Dead / No Questions Asked 7" split. the old god is dead, word as a virus, shock nagazaki; more bands and info tba. @ Westcott Community Center 826 Euclid Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 $6.