Death Threat - For God And Government (Cover Artwork)

Death Threat

For God And Government (2002)

Triple Crown

While Death Threat may come from Connecticut, they play New York Hardcore like they were born and raised in the Bronx. Death Threat is easily one of the most urgent and ferocious bands under the current label of hardcore. While this band plays traditional hardcore that reminds one of the heydays of Cro Mags and Agnostic Front, there seems to be some growth and development outside of the mindless and simplistic brand of hardcore. Some of this growth comes from a very tight playing sound, that even on disc, makes this band sound alive, like they are playing right in front of you.

The lyrics are sung by two singers, each with a distinct voice, one more high pitched, and one a very low grunting. The higher singer does most of the vocals which often sound like he is talking, while the band chants behind him, the other backs him up on some songs, giving the songs a harder sound.

For God and Government plays like a record from the time when hardcore were real and meant something. Lyrically this band takes on the usual hardcore themes. Unity (As One We Stand), religion (For God and Government), standing up for your beliefs and scene (No Farewell, Live in the Moment, As One We Stand), racism (Watch Your Mouth), and the importance of family and friends (Still Alone, Broke and Bummed Out).

Musically this band reminds me of Agnostic Front (before they went metal), Cro Mags, and many many more. One of the best parts of this disc was a cover of the Operation Ivy classic Bombshell; I was surprised that they played a straight ahead version that was very similar to the original. Many hardcore bands only cover other HC songs, or an old metal song, usually never coming close to something related to ska or poppy stuff. This record as a whole was great, the production was top notch, the playing was aggressive as hell, and overall made me really want to see them live. I bet they know how to get a pit going. Pick this up if you like loud fast music you will not be disappointed.

For God And Government