Castevet is a giving band. Last year they dropped Summer Fences, a heady bout of post-hardcore. A followup EP, The Echo & The Light, was due earlier this year, but more or less canceled because it wasn't awesome enough. After a limited pressing, it was pulled, re-recorded and given two bonus tracks, and now it's finally ready for public consumption. Pumped up to eight tracks, Echo is a generous gift.
In a lot of ways, Light feels like a continuation of Summer Fences. The band still sounds like a mix of Braid, Appleseed Cast, Envy, Latterman and Mogwai, which doesn't seem like conflicting comparisons when Castevet is actually playing. The guitars are still noodly and unafraid to explore atmospheric areas not usually associated with Hot Water Music-esque bands, as seen on “Midwest Values" and "Cities & Memory."
At the same time, though, it definitely feels more aggressive than Summer Fences in places, again in reference to closing track "Cities & Memory," but especially so on "Lautrec." It's an aggressive punk stomper the whole time, shredding faces like they're delicious parmesan cheese [note to self: Do not write while hungry]. It's also only 2:50, which is short for a Castevet song. New tunes "Six Parts Summer" and "Model Trains" fit in nicely with the old songs. "Model Trains" even gives the band a chance to jam out a little.
So I suppose The Echo & The Light is somewhat of a placeholder in the best way possible. It's anthemic, it's airy, it's awesome. It makes me want to go steady with Castevet. I don't care who knows it and I don't care how many more releases they churn out rapid-fire, dammit--I'm in love.